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2017高考英语二轮复习教案 完形填空

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2017高考英语二轮复习教案 完形填空 简介:
2017高考英语二轮复习教案 完形填空20xx高考英语二轮复习教案 完形填空

“Down-to-earth” means someone or something that is honest, practical and easy to deal with. It is 1 to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to and 2 other people as equals. A down-to-earth person is just the 3 of someone who acts important and proud.
Down-to-earth persons 4 be important members of society, of course. 5 they do not let their importance “go to their heads”. They do not 6 themselves to be better persons than others of less importance. Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride, often without cause, is 7 to have “his nose in the air”. There is 8 way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.
Americans 9 another expression that means almost the same as “down-to-earth”. The expression is “both-feet-on-the-ground”. Someone with
both-feet-on-the-ground is a person with a good 10 of reality. He 11 what is called “common sense”. He may have 12 , but he does not allow them to 13 his knowledge of what is real.
The opposite kind of 14 is one who has his “head-in-the-clouds”. A man with his-head-in-the-clouds is a dreamer whose 15 is not in the real world.
16 , such a dreamer can be brought back to earth. 17 words from a teacher can usually bring a day-dreaming student down-to-earth.
Usually, the person who is down-to-earth is very 18 to have both feet on-the –ground.
19 we have both our feet on-the –ground, when we are down-to-earth, we act honestly and openly 20 others. Our lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong.
1.A.pleasant B.sad C.common D.surprising

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