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  • 更新时间:01-04
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2017高考英语语法复习系列知识 简介:

How about meeting again at six?(时间状语)(表示时间就是时间状语,那表示原因的呢? 对喽,就是原因状语)
Last night she didn’t go to the dance party because of the rain.(原因状语)
I shall go there if it doesn’t rain.(条件状语)
Mr Smith lives on the third floor.(地点状语)
She put the eggs into the basket with great care.(方式状语)
She came in with a dictionary in her hand.(伴随状语)
In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder.(目的状语)
He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.(结果状语)
She works very hard though she is old.(让步状语)
I am taller than he is.(比较状语)
1. The students got on the school bus.
2. He handed me the newspaper.
3. I shall answer your question after class.
4. What a beautiful Chinese painting!
5. They went hunting together early in the morning.
6. His job is to train swimmers.
7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing.
8. There is going to be an American film tonight.
9. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.
10. His wish is to become a scientist.
11. He managed to finish the work in time.
12. Tom came to ask me for advice.

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