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Zhang Yunyan draws the good friend that I want to be my always together today piece picture. She has one the head is pitch-black bright beautiful long hair, a pair of light brow, a pair of big eyes like the grape, hold out in facial center a tall nose, a piece of glib small mouth. Remember once, I see Zhang Yunyan a person reads a book in the classroom, I think gally gally she is one. Then, in classroom of my go toing one " jump " , I still think she will be angry to me, but who knows, she says to me actually: "Ouch hello, you frighten me. " at this moment, the one shake in my heart, the abdomen quantity that did not think of her has so big, her disposition but too good. Still remember once, I and Zhang Yunyan run in musical classroom together, still taking platoon flute. Just arrived there, I see musical teacher is absent, want to play a song in disorder. But when I just should be blown, zhang Yunyan blew " starlet " . I say: "You teach Zhang Yunyan teach me how to be blown " starlet " . " " good. " ha, I can be blown eventually. After had been blown, zhang Yunyan says to me: "Do you know, my hobby is music, so myself just can blow. " her advantage but much. Remember once, I won't blow a whistle, very anxious, because want oneself immediately,blew. Be when I am anxious, zhang Yunyan appeared. She taught me " cradlesong " , I am extremely excited. This is my good friend Zhang Yunyan, will become a friend with her! 

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