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Time flies, suddenly at the 2008 Olympic Games, although this is in my heart, but not on the Olympic Games, I would fly to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

"When, when, when the alarm clock rang" under my nose is stuck in the NTH, I must have a written composition in this evening. Unfortunately, not willing with my nose when N + 1 times stick together when I was hit on the table, suddenly my computer in a hole "help!" I declared...

I do not know how long after, my eyes suddenly saw a bright, the stadium before I write "Welcome to export southAfrica" (Welcome to South Africa) to see my shirt on the China's badge, again see each other on the shirt and the badge, I immediately understand this is in South Africa. When I see the entrance of the finals, "" (final) that I was completely of the England team and Brazil, and the final.

"Du -" as a referee whistle broke into my thoughts, tee! I want to fill the blank must come! So I took the idea of the game began. This is a big game suspension of strength, but every one of us to insist to never give up "to work quickly end at the first 3.

In the second half began, both you and I went to combat. Very lively. Then, the ball at my feet, I learn messi, miura left foot set off and on baptista, then a bike behind and with a foot to pick, saw goalkeeper didn't respond, fly up a half-volley from the ball, scoring in the arrest ". Instantly stadium exult!

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