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高中英语幽默小故事 No Time to Take It Off

爱思网 | http://www.i4i3.com | 英语小故事 | 人气:976次 | 10-04
高中英语幽默小故事 No Time to Take It OffNo Time to Take It Off
Dick wearing a pair of new trousers went together with his father to his aunt's house.At the sight of the boy's new trousers,his aunt admired very much and kissed him favorably.In front of the boy, there were many nice cakes and chocolates.His cousin also took out all his toys and played with him.The boy enjoyed a good day there.
While he went back home with his father, he was so joyful that he sang and danced along the way home. suddenly he slipped and fell into the mud and his trousers got very dirty.
When he got home, his mother saw his dirty trousers and said:
"Oh,what a mess! This is not the first time you come home like that , and this time you are wearing your new trousers!"
"I am sorry,mum,"said Dick."But I had no time to take my new trousers off when I fell down."

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