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牛津英语模块七unit3复习题及答案 简介:

 1 Everything has n_______ effects and also p_______ effects.
2 If you want to know about c_______ affairs, you can read newspapers or surf the Internet.
3 I am fond of skiing while he is a_______ to skating.
4 I believe friendship should be based on c_______ interests.
5 We shouldn’t judge a person by a________.
6 We cannot always tell if the information is true or f______.
7 The accident o_______ on a cold night.
8 When you come across new words in the text, it’s better to guess their meaning before you c_______ the dictionary.
9 Her books enjoy a high p_________ among teenagers in many countries.
10 Don’t i________ me in your family problems.
11 Before making up your mind, you have to take everything into _________(考虑).
12 The f_________ said there would be sunny.
13 She has a__________ a knowledge of English by careful study.
14 Buses run ___________(频繁 ) between the city and the airport.
15 The public remain __________(怀疑 ) of these claims.
16 The figures are not ___________(准确 ).
17 I lost touch with all my friends and I felt d__________ from the world around me.
18 When I come to a new place, it’ll take me a long time to get a____________ to it.
19 On Teachers’ Day, students usually p________ flowers to their teachers.
20 I don’t think the price is ________(合理 ), so I won’t take it.
21 Earthquakes can’t be prevented, but they can be ________________(预测).
22 The books in the library are ___________(分类 ) according to the subject.
23 I like the style of the book, but I don’t like its ____________(内容 ).
24 The main ___________(缺陷 ) of chatting online is the large amount of time many people spend doing it.
25 After many years of hard work and study I finally received my _________(文凭 ).
26 Every year the company e_______ the workers and then decides their monthly pay.
27 When giving a description, you should be s________ and give a lot of details, so that your meaning will be clear.
28 One of the greatest __________ (优势 ) is that they can save people lots of time and energy.

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