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小学六年级英语下册期中考试题 简介:
(一) 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的对错。(5分)
Against SARS
SARS(非典) is a very bad disease(疾病). It is a kind of disease in the lungs(肺).
People may die when they have SARS. It’s not very hard to do something against(预防) SARS.
First, often wash your hands. Second, often open the windows of your house to air the rooms.
Third, keep the room clean and do some exercises. Fourth, don’t go to the places where there
are a lot of people. There are also many other ways to do. But please remember those. You will be healthy.
( ) 1. SARS is a disease in people’s arms.
( ) 2. People may die when they have SARS.
( ) 3. People can’t be against SARS.
( ) 4. You should do some exercises and keep the room clean.
( ) 5.We can go to the places where there are a lot of people.
(二) 阅读短文,回答以下问题(10分)
Dear diary,
I’m Amy. I have a pen pal. Her name is Joey. She is from Canada. She has many
hobbies. She likes listening to music, drawing pictures, playing the violin. Last holiday
I went to Canada and visited her. In Canada, the weather was fine, always sunny but
not hot. We often went hiking there. I often learned English from Joey,too. My holiday
was happy. This holiday Joey is going to visit me. We are going to visit the Great Wall.
I can’t wait.

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